
Dove of peace. Image courtesy of pixabay.com

The light is gently enveloping us.

Something stirs in nature and in our sleeping souls.

We are somewhere in between the land of dreams and holy possibilities, a place where we can almost touch the finger of God, if only our earthly lives did not beckon so strongly.


It is such a magic moment.

Dawn is God’s reminder to us of when He created the earth on that very first day.  A twinkling in time when His great work of love was done, and it was very good (Genesis 1:31).  We hover with God in this sweet spot of creation, when we realise that His mercies are brand new, every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).

So many times I have suddenly opened my eyes at 3:33am.  I do not know why.  It is still dark, yet I can hear the early rustlings of creatures outside, or the faint whistle of a distant bird.

So many times I get ideas for my writing, think of different blog topics, come to fresh understandings and perspectives, find wise solutions to problems, and encounter so many other crisp thoughts, that if I do not quickly write them down they vanish with the rising of our flaming sun.

Dawn is such a great opportunity for humanity, and a constant challenge for many of us who want to remain shrouded in the warmth of our beds.  Like our lives, we want to remain secure and comfortable.  We want to be wrapped up, and not have to venture out into the world for fear of getting cold, being rejected, or simply because we are afraid of what humanity will do next.

But the dawning of a new day is God’s reassurance to us that life is a gift.  Have you heard of the saying that babies are evidence that God has not given up on humanity yet?  Well, I think of dawn in the same way.  A new day is God whispering in our souls before we arise that He wants us to make the best of each day.  Whatever we are facing – whether we are lonely, unemployed, a struggling parent, a tired student, a busy executive, someone living with a disability, a young person or an older person, it does not matter – it is all the same to God.  We are each and every one a beloved child to Him.

How amazing it is that as long as we are living and breathing on this earth, we get to experience another day.  To me, dawn feels like the Holy Spirit is nearer to us because of that link with the first creation.  He is giving us an opportunity to seize the day before us.

Even though I cherish the comfort of my bed, and rising too early is not particularly appealing to me, I love what dawn promises.  At those times in Summer, when it seems that I have woken long before the whole world has, I do arise to discover the treasures which have left their mark:

  • The beautiful pink clouds signalling the coming sunrise.
  • The call of a rare bird.
  • The scribbling down in my notepad of the ideas which flood into my mind.
  • The sweet breathing of my dog, deeply dreaming.
  • The gentle rustling of the trees.

You can hear it all.  You can feel it all at dawn.

Take the chance and arise in the stillness of God’s new day for you.  He is longing to speak to your heart.  Dawn is the perfect time for miracles; the ever-present hope of the Holy Spirit’s coming.

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